Avast for Linux Install error

We have problem(Total 2 problem)
Avast for linux install error

This is error Message 1(First Problem)

rpm -ivh avast-rhel-2.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm

The installer will download the lastest virus databast (VPS) now. This may
take several minites. If downloading the VPS fails. you must repeat it
later by running the /var/lib/avast/Setup/avast.vpsupdate script
in order to run the scan service.
Additionally, the installer will insert a virus database update job to the crontab now.

Connecting to repository http://download.ff.avast.com/lin/x86_64/vps9
/var/lib/avast/Setup/avast.setup: line 30: vps9.lat: access denied
Downloading vps9.lat… (retry 1)
/var/lib/avast/Setup/avast.setup: line 30: vps9.lat: access denied
Downloading vps9.lat… (retry 2)
/var/lib/avast/Setup/avast.setup: line 30: vps9.lat: access denied
Downloading failed [exit code 1]
Update abored
Starting avast:[Failed]

OS : CentOS 6.3
Kernel : 2.6.32-573.26.1.el6.x86_64

Help us

second problem new write.

I have the exact same problem,
does anyone have an awnser?

Thank you

Hi, first off:


This is ancient… Unsupported.
I understand you might be “stuck” on centos 6 (which btw is also EOL), so take this as an FYI :wink:

In these versions,


needs to be run as root. That is the first thing that comes to mind. Otherwise check the access rights to /var/lib/avast and its subdirectories.