[i]By the way, you may have heard about U3 (http://www.u3.com). U3 is a new standard for USB drives that supports portable applications. So far, there are several U3 compatible drives on the market. On September 20th, the U3 group launched a collection of U3 compatible software apps.
Although the U3 initiative sounds interesting, so far it just sounds like marketing hype. As you can see from the collection of apps listed here, there is already a ton of available portable applications. I think the U3 specification is going to just be a reason to charge extra for a U3 logo on your USB device and to make even more money off the software. [/i]
Can avast for U3 run into a normal USB drive as a portable application?
Will you release it as portable in the future?
I’d like to test U3 plataform but it’s not available here to buy and, by now, too expensive for our poor country standards and small budgets right now… :-[
I’m not sure if it’s that simple.
An important part of the U3 drives is a special launcher that takes care of the “installation”, prepare a special environment for the applications, etc. The U3 applications wouldn’t be able to run standalone (unless they’re modified somehow).
The launcher probably depends on the hardware (the drive appears actually as two drives to the OS) - so I don’t think you can just copy it to a non-U3 drive.
Maybe we could make a deal (later, when we actually have some of those drives)
Take a look at the following FREE program and see if that can be utilized.
[url=http://www.download.com/USBAutoRun/3000-2189_4-10453527.html][b][u]USBAutoRun[/u][/b][/url] :)
Bob, I think this plataform is different, the programs are installed in the drive and not just stored there.
For instance, you will install the operational system, and install avast U3. It’s not like running a standalone application (even .exe) on that drive. It keeps, for instance, it’s own registry, configurations, etc.