I was kicked off a couple of times access denied.
Also get error no internet .
Seems to be only this forum I have problems with.
I was kicked off a couple of times access denied.
Also get error no internet .
Seems to be only this forum I have problems with.
What browser are you using ?
Do you have any security based add-ons in the browser ?
Are you using a VPN ?
I don’t know if this is a local issue given you have been able to get connected this time.
A screenshot of the error might help - that said I get a 403 error on occasion - see attached is this what you are getting ?
Hi DavidR
Thanks for your assistance, much appreciated.
I am using Chrome (just had a security update) version 132.0.6834.84
I do have Avast VPN, but it was disconnected.
Yes that was the error code.
So far today no problems.
Fingers crossed
Tried to send reply, had pop up saying (403 Error. Will attempt to send again.)
Edit: Success
Yes. We seem to see excessive number of 403 errors on this new avast forum website, which is frustrating and badly detracts from the user experience.
I don’t use an VPN so that I don’t believe is a contributory factor, I don’t use Chrome either.
This error happens on a more regular basis on the new forum. As it says in the error message this could be a CloudFront issue, but regardless of that the Forum Admin should really be on top of this. Whilst it isn’t happening as much as it was when the new forum software was first released.
The problem is you can’t use the back button to get back to where you were to try again. Effectively you have to go back further and retry the link again. For sure this is a pain in the backside that needs resolution.
Yea you’re right it is frustrating.
Likes like I will just have to live with it.
Thanks David R and rocksteady
You’re welcome.
Hi all
Newbie here
Not kidding, does keep you on your toes
Not too worried about my toes, more the pain in my backside
Your right
The more I use this forum, I have fallen from my toes to my backside.