Am i safe now from it? Im running a scan now just to be sure.
How did the Trojan get on your system? Where did you find it?
Have you been downloading files from dubious websites (which can be apparently innocent sites for games or screensavers) or P2P networks? Is your OS/browser fully patched?
it came up when prevx was updating
I think you may be right in thinking it could be a false positive, as you said in your other post.
so take it out of the chest? i am having second thoughts i put the trojan name into google and it took me to this site with a huge virus list
The trojan name is less important than the infected file name and its location, this helps us to better identify it and as you found lots of hits on google.
What was the infected file name, where was it found e.g. (C:\windows\system32\ ?
If it came during prevx update it may possibly be detecting a virus signature file that isn’t encrypted, that is also why the file name and location are important. Check the avast! Log Viewer, Warming section and this information should be recorded.