I have started to get issues whilst browsing, frequently this is on uk.yahoo.com and the forums.avast sites, but isn’t limited to them, but any that I happen to be browsing.
Some time ago I reported issues where the HTTPS had to be disabled and the web shield stopped (and then restarted) to over connection issues. This, however seems to be an extension of that and it doesn’t just effect browsing now I have found that this connection issue includes email connections.
If I experience web browsing connection issues, I have started trying to check for email (using MailWasher) and this comes up with unable to connect issues.
I’m undecided as to exactly what this is given that email and web browsing relates to the use of HTTPS scanning/redirects (email) and why this would effectively happen on all internet connections.
Currently I disable shields for 10 minutes - then try to connect to those sites/email connections whilst the shields are down, generally this also fails - which is strange if the shields are disabled.
I then enable all shields again and try again to reload the pages/email check, often that fails first time given a little more time (WSC by this time is now reporting AV is ON) only after this does it start working again. This happens several times during the day.
My firewall is Outpost Firewall Pro 9.2 which I have been using longer than avast (over eleven and a half years) and have never experienced this kind of connection issue before.