Avast Free 6 and Temporary Internet Files

After opening and closing the Avast User Interface, there are a number of objects left in the “Temporary Internet Files” folder. Some examples of these objects are:




The folder is specifically: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files (where username is the actual username)

System: Windows XP Service Pack 3
Avast Program Version: 6.0.1000

I recently upgraded from version 5 and don’t recall version 5 doing this. It started with version 6.

Please advise.
Thank you.

Download CCleaner Slim then run it to clean “Temporary Internet Files”

Thanks for your reply.

I manually clear unwanted items on a regular basis because I only keep certain cookies, etc. The problem is that each time the Avast User Interface is opened it keeps putting in unwanted items that it does not clear out when it is closed. As a result I have to manually remove them. I believe that the UI should automatically remove them upon exiting.