Avast free 6: red X and "Avast! service stopped"

Hi today out of the blue avast is giving this error. This happened to me back in windows XP with the previous version of Avast and I had to go to another antivirus even though I find avast good.

I have not installed any software AFAIK, if anyone has any knowledge why this happened or what can I check to shed some light on the problem I would appreciate.


Probably will need more information than this. Have you opened the Avast GUI=>Summary=>current status to view what error is being reported? Does it look like what I have attached?

I would try a reboot and see if that fixes it. Hopefully it is just a temporary hiccup. If not then will have to look further.

Edit: What version of Avast are you using?

As he is saying blue avast which means he is on version 4.8 or below… So this option will not available to him

If you already gone to another software, what do you expect we help troubleshoot?

“Out of the blue” means “for no apparent reason”, “unexpected behavior”, etc.

He went to other antivirus for a time being until his problem solves (I think)… Well try latest build as you said that you are using old one…

How will he solve if he run away from it?

Plz post him the latest build 1044. so that he can download it and report us back, I think the current build will solve his problem


slow down…

My avast version 6.0.1000
Yes I have that screen only in pirate talk
And after the incident with Avast 4.something on Windows XP, I had upgraded to Win 7 and the first thing I did was switched back to Avast!, I’m still on Avast! now even with the red x error.

Can you try to repair your installation?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair).
If this does not help, can you uninstall / boot / install / boot again?

That error is fatal.

Thanks to tech, Ashish Singh, I will download the suggested build.

Still curious any ideas what could have triggered this, I mean has this been observed by other users recently?

edit:… oh it’s fatal :frowning: I will repair and if unsuccessful uninstall.
BTW forgot to mention that reboot did not improve anything.

Dear Argonium,

Just download the latest build which Tech has posted. It is the most stable build till now. So give it try… Please… And report back.

Thanks! :slight_smile: will report back

Ashish, Tech is quite capable. Even the OP stated to “slow down”.

I am Sorry…

For what? I really do not see a reason… You’re trying to help…

Thanks for understanding Tech… I didn’t noticed that I am going so fast…That’s why…
I just wanted that his problem should vanish in a second… :wink:

Good news to report!
I did the repair, the computer froze for some time and hard disk sound very busy.
When this was ready I rebooted and it is working again ;D

Thank you all for your help, especially Tech and Ashish.
BTW Ashish, there must be a misunderstanding you don’t need to be sorry for anything I said slow down actually it is a good thing, I have never found so much help so quickly within just minutes of typing my post.
I’m grateful and admire this forum! Keep up the good work.
Best Regards

Argonium, you’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)