I just installed Avast! Free Antivirus 2015 and also have Malwarebytes Free installed on my computer (Windows 8.1). Tonight, I ran a scan with Malwarebytes and all seemed to be ok as I didn’t notice any impact on my system performance. However, when I looked at Statistics - Realtime Data , I noticed that in the “Last scanned items” window, the files that Malwarebytes was scanning were appearing.
I searched online to see if this issue has been addressed and found some posts in the Avast! and Malwarebytes forums indicating the following should be added to the exceptions in the General section and File System Shield components in Avast! to have the 2 programs work together without conflict:
I did this but still had the same situation occur when I redid the Malwarebytes scan.
I also tried completely turning off the File System Shield in Avast! and rerunning the Malwarebytes scan. This time, the files being scanned by Malwarebytes did not appear in the Statistic - Realtime Data - Last scanned items window.
So, my questions are:
Are the files being scanned by Malwarebytes supposed to be appearing in the Avast! Statistic - Realtime Data - Last scanned items window or is there a conflict between Avast! and Malwarebytes with Malwarebytes overriding the protection of Avast! and compromising Avast!'s protection until the Malwarebytes scan is completed?
If Malwarebytes is overriding Avast!, should I turn off the File System Shield while I run Malwarebytes?
Thanks a million for any assistance with this matter.
Thanks so much SpeedyPC and CraigB for your quick replies and help.
I updated my exclusions in Avast! and Malwarebytes as SpeedyPC showed and did another scan with Malwarebytes. Unfortunately, the same thing happened - the files being scanned by Malwarebytes are appearing in the Avast! Last scanned items window.
However, I’m a bit confused: According to SpeedyPC, I thought if I set the exclusions, I would no longer see the files being scanned by Malwarebytes in the Avast! Last items scanned window. Yet, according to CraigB’s comment, I actually should be seeing these files in Avast!.
So could someone please clarify whether I’m supposed to be seeing the files Malwarebytes is scanning in the Last scanned items window in Avast!?
The exclusions listed are for MBAM files within those folders - for avast to exclude those files not their actions - it doesn’t exclude the actions of files within the folders, that relate to files outside those locations.
e.g. MBAM Pro being a resident (real-time) anti-malware and that scans certain files as they become active, they are locked and scanned, this activity also triggers a scan on that file (not the MBAM file) by avast.
Thanks so much CraigB and DavidR for your quick replies and the helpful information.
You’ve clarified the situation for me with your explanations. I now understand how Avast! is working and that Malwarebytes is not compromising Avast!'s protection.
CraigB - I’m very sorry I didn’t understand your first explanation.
That’s alright, my short an sweet answers don’t always contain enough detail for people to understand sometimes, I’m glad it’s cleared up for you now though