Avast! Free Antivirus 8.0.1489 on Win XP SP3 32-Bit - File shield not working

Hello Avast! Forum,

I have installed Avast! Free Antivirus 8.0.1489 on two of my machines: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit and Windows XP SP3 32-bit.

The avast! 8.0.1489 on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit works fine with no issues.

However, the same avast! build 8.0.1489 installed on Windows XP SP3 32-bit has three of shields not working, namely File Shield, IM Shield and another one. The protection status displayed for the File Shield is Unknown . When I try to start the File Shield I am getting “Module can not be loaded” message.

Obviously the File Shield (real time file protection) is quite an important function in any antivirus program.

Has anyone come across to the same problem?

PS. I have raise a ticket with Avast! Technical Support three days ago - still have no reply.


Do you have any other anti virus software installed?
If so uninstall it first.


Have you tried a repair and reboot via the uninstalling panel, if that doesn’t solve the issue I would suggest a clean install using the avast removal tool http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility

If you have used other AV’s on the troubled system in the past you can use the removal tools from here http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/ to delete remnants.

Hi webber and craigb. Thanks you for your reply and suggestions. I did have another AV installed on that troubled WinXP machine: Symantec Antivirus It is notorious for not being able to be uninstalled using Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs even after disabling ALL Symantec services (9 of them) and stopping running Symantec processes. It is a real software “dinosaur” that I will never use again.

There is a manual procedure on uninstalling SAV 10.1 for those who is interested and have 2hrs of spare time to do it:

I have tried to use Nonav.exe program to clean up SAV from the system downloaded from the link suggested by craigb

It partially worked uninstalling some of it but still leaving other SAV remnants behind, e.g. MS Outlook plugin, a few SAV services, Live Update etc.

However, the main problem has been fixed: the three avast! Shields: File System, P2P and IM started “magically” running. I did not have to do anything to avast!

What is left to do is more cleaning of SAV from my system including registry cleaning. Bye bye Symantec, hello Avast!

Thanks for you help guys.

Tech_art :slight_smile:

Glad it worked for you :slight_smile:

Getting rid of Norton/Symantec is relatively easy, always run the removal tool twice with reboots in between and then run a search in computer for Norton and Symantec, when completed do the same search in the registry and your done :wink:

After running the first removal too (nonav.exe), re-started computer and used another tool called Norton Removal Tool (v. available from that link:

It did more cleaning of SAV remnants left behind by the first tool. The SAV file and folder have been removed. The Symantec AntiVirus still appears under Add/Remove programs. Also when launching MS Outlook it complaining about not finding “C:\Program Files\Symantec Antivirus\vpmsece4.dll” add-in.

Cleaning SAV off the system probably has no relevance to that forum, I just have do to a manual registry cleanup when I have time. The important thing is that Avast! Free Antivirus 8.0.1489 is working fine.

Tech_art :slight_smile:

Once you eliminate Norton and Symantec entries from the registry you’ll find everything will show clean ( nothing in programs and features ) I’m not sure about MS Outlook but if you have the Disc I would reinstall it.