Avast Free Antivirus breaks Fork app

When Avast shields are running my Fork Git Client crashes on startup, generating a dump file. When shields are disabled, or when an exclusion is added for the executable, Fork starts normally. I can then turn on shields again and it continues to run.

This has been discussed with the developer of Fork and we believe that Avast is injecting something into Fork or one of the DLLs. On this link if you want to reconstruct the URL
github fork-dev TrackerWin issues 2398

Any ideas how this can be fixed?


Submit the file to https://www.virustotal.com/ and report the URL in this topic.

If report to virustotal comes up “clear”, then submit a suspected false positive form to avast for consideration Choose Your Sample Submission Type | Avast

Just to be clear, Avast does not flag Fork as malicious but it does cause it to crash, as evidenced by the crash dump generated