I'm new to avast! and I would like to ask, what would be the best way going about installing avast! Free antivirus with COMODO Firewall? If someone could give me a step-by-step guide on how to do this, it would be very appreciated. Please include what files/folders to exclude in both. Should I turn off avast! shields during the COMODO Firewall installation? Also, if there is already a post explaining this, I'm sincerely sorry, please give me the link to it. Looking forward to your answers, and hope you all have a great Thanksgiving weekend.
P.S: I’ve heard that recently there was a conflict with avast! 7 webshield and COMODO Firewall, it had something to do with COMODO not using the latest redirection servers or something, has this issue been fixed in the latest version of avast! Free antivirus or COMODO Firewall?
If you already have Avast! installed introduce these Comodo exclusions, then after you install Comodo follow with the Avast! exclusions. remember to install only Firewall. No AV module.
Thanks for the welcome! To tell you the truth friend, I feel more comfortable here at the avast! forum. While browsing through their forum, I noticed that some people never got answers that they were looking for. But I guess you are right.
Yes pretty much the procedure but I would make sure that Avast! is working right in the comp before installing Comodo. Also no need to disable Avast! shields since you will have to reboot after installing Comodo so all shields will come alive. You should have to disable Windows firewall before installing Comodo though.
If you encounter any hangs up, check Comodo’s D+ and Autosanbox for unknown files. Reboot and go in safe mode and make the files trusted. Well if you know the files and they can be trusted of course.
Looking at what you need to go through to install the dragon,
I’d much rather pick either outpost or online armour where you don’t have to jump through any hoops too
get their protection.
There are no hoops Bob. You would not install an AV and a third party firewall together at once without trying one first to see everything is right. Would you ? Now if you are talking about exclutions, well it depends. Some users like to exclude their security programs just in case. others they don’t see the need.
Sorry. Give you an example. This is SafeSurf and Online Armor:
I’m willing to go through all this, for COMODO because its known to have amazing HIPS. Have a good day!
Thanks a lot iroc9555, I really appreciate it!
It’s not necessarily paranoia. Its just that some of us like full control over their systems. Others don’t, I’m guessing you’re one of them. To each their own. Cheers!