Today my avast free 2014.9.2018 licence is expired. The Avast web page says that it is not necessary to upgrade to the last avast version because protection will go on also for the old versions. I can’t upgrade my avast program because my processor does not support sse2 istruction. Now avast and windows say that i have no protection. What shall i do? Please help me. Thank you. I’m in trouble.
Amd athlon xp 1800+, 1gb ram , windows xp sp3 Chrome upgraded at the last version available for Xp.
Please help :-[
Thanks. But i don’t understand if i’m protected in this 10 days. I see that i can’t upgrade he virus definition, and the program say that any protection is off. I must wait? Someone can ensuring me? I’m so confused now. ???BYBR
Sorry sorry sorry. I see now in the task manager that it’s no more the process aswidagents.exe. It’s the resident shield true? It’s a problem o can i go over and wait the 10 days? Sorry and ty again :-[
Good morning. I’ve done the Eicar test and it’s failed. So i’m not protected. Now i’m worried and confused. I don’t now what to do and what to expect now. I must wait this 10 days ? It’s a problem of my system or is right so? sorry for my questions, but it seems that all go wrong …
Someone, maybe MartinZ , can help me ? thank you. :-[ :-\
From where I spoke earlier with EICAR, when it comes to safety always be careful and check the protection instead of interpreting the words of MartinZ
Moreover, all the multiple posts on this subject should not exist if avast could have found a solution more formal other than this ambiguity of renewal of the free product (expired, not expired, wait 10 days, …),the user quickly got lost