Hi, a curiosity, if you can help me, but is the Avast Free firewall at the same security level as the Windows 10 or Windows 11 firewall or is it more powerful?
Powerful I wouldn’t know about - I continued to use the Windows Firewall long after avast Included it in Avast For Window free and I never had a peep out of that.
I eventually switched over, and my main reason was that it is more configurable than the windows firewall.
But is there a difference in terms of protection?
I personally have no direct comparison as essentially I had zero notifications/interventions by the windows firewall.
Given the additional functionality available in Avast’s firewall, it certainly offers greater functionality/configuration you only have to check this forum to see that. Some might say that is a bad thing as when interventions occur they aren’t familiar enough to deal with it or change settings.
Ok. Thanks a lot.
You’re welcome.
I personally am not looking to do any configuration.
I just want it to work and the Windows Firewall has done that for many years.
Maybe my question isn’t clear…
I wanted to know if in your opinion or according to the most experts in the sector the Avast Free firewall (in the basic setting) is more powerful and secure than Windows pre-installed on Windows 10/11 in the event of a malware attack or running malware that attempt to make an outgoing or incoming connection to the PC.
Maybe my question isn’t clear…
I wanted to know if in your opinion or according to the most experts in the sector the Avast Free firewall (in the basic setting) is more powerful and secure than Windows pre-installed on Windows 10/11 in the event of a malware attack or running malware that attempt to make an outgoing or incoming connection to the PC.
Personally I don’t think anyone can give that kind of direct answer - try google - Avast Firewall FAQ - https://www.google.com/search?q=Avast+Firewall+FAQ, many hits. This will possibly give ‘you’ a better understanding of the Avast Firewall but not a direct comparison between the two.
Just one - https://support.avast.com/en-gb/article/antivirus-firewall-faq/#pc
In regard to your comment “in the event of a malware attack or running malware that attempt to make an outgoing or incoming connection to the PC.”
Personally I don’t think the Avast Firewall is likely to get involved, unless it is an untrusted or unknown connection (which in your example wouldn’t be the case), if coming from your computer). Different network/untrusted network or device, then the Network Shield is likely to get involved.
What would be involved would be the Web Shield that would be scanning internet connections made.
Here’s what Copilot Pro has to say:
Avast Free Firewall provides advanced features like application control,
which may not be available in the Windows Firewall.
Although Windows Firewall offers decent protection, Avast’s Firewall is superior,
stopping a higher number of threats from accessing your device.
Bottom Line: For an average user, both firewalls should provide adequate security,
but Avast’s Firewall offers a stronger level of protection.
Not sure if Copilot Pro factors in the impact of the Web Shield, where the firewall never gets involved.
Interesting response from Bob and observation from David, these are the responses and opinions I was looking for. ;D
Unfortunately no one tests it themselves and therefore I have not found any video or valid test that shows how it behaves in case there is malware on the PC that attempts to make connections to outgoing or incoming IPs, also opening ports on the PC.
So with Avast Free I should be safer than with Windows Firewall, obviously remaining on free Firewalls with limited functionality compared to paid ones.