Avast Free is blocking Fidelity ATP from launching

On my Win 10 PC, I’ve been using Avast Free and Fidelity Advanced Trader Pro for several years with no issues. Just recently, I found that Avast is stopping ATP from launching. I have to turn off Avast to launch the app. I then added ATP to my Avast Exception list - now it launches, but has a internet access problem. Also added ATP to my Avast allowed app list with no change to my problem. **Note : After a PC reboot, I can launch ATP okay the first time. After closing ATP and trying to re-launch ATP, it is blocked by Avast. Once I turn off Avast and launch ATP, it runs fine, even after re-enabling Avast. Any ideas? Thanks.

same problem , can someone investigate why i have to reboot to restart fidelity?