I’ve installed the latest version of Avast Free on a Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit system and am puzzled why it is not asking the user what to do when it encounters a suspicious email.
In EVERY shield, where there is an action option setting, I have it set to ASK as the first setting, move to chest as the second, delete as the third.
Silent Mode is OFF (both Silent Mode options are UNCHECKED).
For example, an email came in that triggered an email heuristic and there was no notification to the user - Avast just deleted the contents of the email and left a stub of an email in the inbox with the subject indicating what the problem was.
avast! 5.0 Free version will only remove the package which attached on your file which infected with virus or malware.
You may see the configuration at : avast! 5.0 GUI – Real Time Shield – Mail Shield – Click Expert Settings button – Go to Actions tab – under there you may see " Processing of infected archives : " , then you may try to configure as you need
Thank you for your reply. However, this isn’t an infected archive we’re dealing with - they are just regular email attachments that triggered a heuristic. You also said that there isn’t an “ASK” option for the mail shield.
For the system I’m having trouble with, here are screen shots of the mail shield settings for Virus and Suspicious. Both have an “ASK” option available, and I’ve set both to “ASK”.
It should be asking the user what to do, but it is not.
I was thinking of upgrading from 4.8 to 5 of the free avast home edition but after reading the situations other users have found themsleves in plus a none response to a question in Support I am staying with ver 4.8, at least it works fine -until this lot sort out the problems and bugs in version 5 although I get the feeling they are unable or unwilling to do so as I don’t see much help from the “support” area on these problems with solutions or patches. >:(
You’re system, you’re choice, but don’t lose sight of the fact that the people that come to a support forum aren’t those that have made the switch without problem.
I have set all the shields that I use to Ask as the first option and that is working as indicated, so I don’t know why this might be happening or what the contents of the email would have been before it was scanned, so I couldn’t comment on it.
So if this isn’t the non response to a question, then ask it in a new or related topic.
The email client involved with this issue is Thunderbird
The email that was not handled per settings contained attachments that were the result of an Outlook 2007 email client breaking apart, upon reply, the original email signature’s logo graphic .gif file (and associated html) and the data block html into two files, and attaching them to the reply instead of replying back with an intact html email message.
This happens when an html email containing an html signature gets processed by certain email clients, especially if they are are replying back in plain text as opposed to html.
Avast’s heuristic that was triggered was a result of the filenames not matching the contents of the files, thus being regarded as “suspicious”.