This has been by another user. Try a repair…Control Panel>Programs and Features>double click “avast”>click “repair”>reboot.
Does this happen with a full system scan? Keep in mind when running a full scan the progress indicator will remain at 0% for quite awhile (this is normal).
No, it’s all jacked up in the latest version. Full scan, quick scan doesn’t matter.
The pop up scan status gives the chime like it finished scanning
The pop up scan status stays on screen and shows 99% scan canceled.
You go into scan history and it says the report completed.
Since updating Avast Premier a couple of days ago to version 17.3.2290 (build 17.3.3442.0), my daily scheduled Full Virus Scan “says” that it cancels at 99% - HOWEVER, when checking Scan History, the Full Virus Scan is listed as completed and provides the details.
Also having this problem with 3 separate computers (Lenovo laptop, Dell desktop, Lenovo desktop) running Windows 10. In addition to the results message (of 99%), clicking on “Details” doesn’t go to details, but instantly starts scanning again from 0%. Now all this might just be an annoyance except in the case of 1 of the computers, which I don’t use often, is set to auto shut down after scan. But with this bug, no auto shut down.
I checked sounds before the scan and the box for scan complete was not checked. I checked the box and when scan finished it closed the window and I did not see the scan canceled box. Try it and see if you have the same results
Program version: 17.3.2291
Build: 17.3.3443.0
Virus definitions: 170425-2
Platform: Windows 10
(Values correct when email drafted today. Conceivably I was on slightly earlier versions when starting the problematic scan yesterday).
These problems are still unfixed. Surprising, as I read above that they were known problems at the beginning of the month.
I started a full scan yesterday. It stayed on 0% for several HOURS, so I left it running overnight (I have a lot of disks).
In the morning it had finished with a message saying that the scan had been cancelled at 98% complete.
Having said that, the results appeared to be complete.
These bugs aren’t just a minor irritation for experienced users. Try putting yourself in the shoes of an inexperienced user who is worried s/he has just been infected. S/he starts a scan and nothing happens (ie, progress stays at 0% for ages), so s/he worries that the infection is preventing the anti-virus software from running. Then s/he sees a message that the scan has been cancelled - s/he didn’t cancel it, so the infection must be to blame. And what do you do if an infection has bettered your anti-virus software? - you switch to another vendor’s product.
Avast developers… in my opinion leaving glaring bugs like this unfixed for weeks will cause you reputational damage, so I suggest you fix them pronto.
I have been having this problem too for a few months. I schedule a full scan to run very early every Sunday morning. It should be completed by the time I get up, but often doesn’t seem to have run yet. When I check later in the morning, I get the Scan Failed - 99% message. If you click on Details, another full scan immediately starts. What’s up here?
Related to this is that, after this full scan has run, the computer will not restart correctly - either manually or as part of an application update. It gets partway, then just locks up. I need to do a hard power-down, then restart. Once this has been done, the computer will restart correctly when invoked.
Hello I’m running Avast Premier Version 17.4.2294 (build 17.4.3482.0) and I’m still getting the bug that says 99% canceled on both quick scan and full scan. When is the bug going to be corrected?
I see that this is a bug. (Encountering it on a Windows 7 machine.) However, before finding this thread, I ran a repair and was notified of a conflict with Malwarebytes. That was really odd, b/c I’ve been running MB and Avast together for ages.
Just thought I’d mention it, in case it helps to further pinpoint a problem.
I ignored the conflict because I felt it just couldn’t be true! ;D
@ jpbernhards
It has been a recognised bug and one that was supposed to have been squashed, but it appears to be back.
MBAM 3.x has changed much and is also checking for things outside of its traditional malware scan. I stopped using MBAM as it became too much of a resource rather than a good companion for avast.
I have the latest version of “Avast Free” installed on 3 PCs, all running Windows 10 and I’ve been having the same problem for months. One of my PCs had a HDD failure. I replaced dive, reinstalled Win10 & downloaded Avast onto a clean system, but still get the same problem.
No reassurance is provided by “technical” explanations such as it’s just a GUI problem. Being told every time I run a scan that it has not completed is causing me to loss confidence in the program.
I certainly would not upgrade to a paid version (which I have been considering) while this problem continues. From the posts on this forum I’m beginning to get the impression that the developers are no longer interested. If the issue/bug isn’t fixed soon I don’t think I will feel “safe” continuing to use the product. A great shame for an otherwise great program.
C’mon Avast… let’s get this fixed. I started noticing this back when you updated the app in March, came in here and found out that it was a known identified bug, you’ve updated the app twice since then (in April and May) and this bug is STILL there. I wouldn’t think that this is more than just a GUI problem… it can’t be that difficult to fix!