Hi everyone, im new to the forum, i was doing a virus checkon my laptop, and 1 threat was detected, i viewed the threat and by accident i have moved it to be store in the virus chest, but i do not know how to remove it from the chest and delete it completely from my laptop, can someone kindly help me with this, it appears that once it has been stored in the virus chest it cannot be removed and deleted. However i done the scan again, and the threat was not detected again, and i guess this is because it is now in the chest, but i really want rid of the virus threat altogether.
Thank you in advance
Deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, send virus to the chest and investigate.
There is no rush to delete anything from the chest, a protected area where it can do no harm. Anything that you send to the chest you should leave there for a few weeks. If after that time you have suffered no adverse effects from moving these to the chest, scan them again (inside the chest) and if they are still detected as viruses, delete them.
What is the malware name, the infected file name, where was it found e.g. (malware name, C:\windows\system32\infected-file-name.xxx) ?
Thanks for replying to me, it was a download movie60345.exe what ever that is, sorry i am not too good with computers, so after a few weeks and i wish to delete it, how do i do this, i dont see any options for this to happen
No problem, glad I could help.
If it was a download then provided you didn’t run it and avast dispatched it to the chest, no further immediate action required. After the delay open the avast chest (I’m presuming that you are using avast 5.0 free), left click the avast icon bottom right of the screen, select the Maintenance, Virus Chest tab.
Now you should be able to see the file in the chest, right click on it and select scan (see image, click to expand), if it still comes back infected, which I suspect it will, right click on it and this time select Delete, avast will ask if your sure, etc.
Welcome to the forums.
I dispatched it to the chest, im not sure if it was downloaded or not, but it is the chest, and i can view the virus and it tells me what it is that was found, but when i right click on it, it does not do anything, it doesnt give me any options to click on, i think this is a safety feature so that i will not accidently run the infected file again. Ok i am looking at the scan logs and there is a log highlighted in reddish colour and says virus found, so i click it and it shows a table file name, severity ( which is high ), status threat: win32:…, action, move to chest and result successful. I moved it to the chest and then i clicked apply. But now i do not have a clue how to delete the file. Sorry David, you must think im thick lol x
Oh lol, i know what i am doing now, thank you very much David your a star, i got myself into such a panic there lol, this avast spyware has been quite good so far, hope it keeps up the good work
One more question, over the past while my cursor was spinning and at the top left corner of the screen it was saying mozilla firefox (not responding) do u think this would have been down to the virus ? or just mozilla, and do you recommend any good browsers to try ? i enjoy the application games on facebook, so a browser that would be good for this.
I don’t believe it is directly related, the avast icon rotating means it is scanning, if you open the avast user interface Real-Time shields, File System Shield, that will show what it is scanning at that point in time.