I’ve been trying for several hours to update the virus engine and definitions using avast free 5.0.462 on 64-bit vista, and have been receiving the error (current 100406-2, latest 100408-0):
Last encountered error: Other HTTP error (301), while trying
Repeating the update gives the same error (with the IP address sometimes changing). A quick http trace shows the request with an IP address and the URL above returning a “404 Not Found” error followed by a request with a host similar to download###.avast.com returning a “301 Moved Permanently” page directing to http://www.avast.com/iavs5x/jrog-8e.vpx (which returns a 404 Not Found error)
I’ve tried the same update on my 32 bit Win7, and the definitions updated w/o error.
I attempted to download the latest definitions directly from www.avast.com, but when I tried to install them I received the following error:
Can you try a repair of Avast?
Start -->control panel -->Programs -->uninstall a program -->avast! Antivirus -->Click 'Uninstall/Change -->Scroll down and click repair
I attempted a repair, and received “Error processing packages. Please use full update”… I’ve attached the log:
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: Started: 09.04.2010, 05:41:14
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: Running setup_ais-1ce (462)
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6002, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2] x64
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Memory: 30% load. Phys:4194303/4194303K free, Page:4194303/4194303K free, Virt:2029328/2097024K free
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Computer WinName: SCOTTS-PC
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Windows Net User: Scotts-PC\Scott
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: Cmdline: /uninstwiz
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: Old version: 1ce (462)
09.04.2010 05:41:14 registry: Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\5.0\UpdateReady
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Using temp: C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Local\Temp\_asw_aisI.tm~a04504 (20519M free)
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: DldSrc set to inet
09.04.2010 05:41:14 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/5.00 (ais-462;p)
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Computer DnsName: Scotts-PC
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Computer Ip Addr:
09.04.2010 05:41:14 system: Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5 (20519M free)
09.04.2010 05:41:14 internet: SYNCER: Type: no proxy
09.04.2010 05:41:14 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
09.04.2010 05:41:14 package: Part prg_ais-1ce is installed
09.04.2010 05:41:14 package: Part vps_win32-10040800 is installed
09.04.2010 05:41:14 package: Part setup_ais-1ce is installed
09.04.2010 05:41:14 package: Part jrog-8e is installed
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: LoadState: Edition=1
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: Old version: 1ce (462)
09.04.2010 05:41:14 file: SetExistingFilesBitmap: 304->99->99
09.04.2010 05:41:14 general: GUID: XXXX(edited out)
09.04.2010 05:41:15 general: Server definition(s) loaded for 'main': 334 (maintenance:0)
09.04.2010 05:41:15 general: SelectCurrent: selected server 'Download756 AVAST5 Server' from 'main'
09.04.2010 05:41:15 internet: SYNCER: Type: no proxy
09.04.2010 05:41:15 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Operation set to INST_OP_REPAIR
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Entered SetupProcessAIS::Do( INST_OP_REPAIR )
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_REPAIR )
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_REPAIR )
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_REPAIR )
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Entered SetupProcessAIS::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_INSTALL_PACKAGES )
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_INSTALL_PACKAGES )
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: Entering:UpdateInstallPackages
09.04.2010 05:41:34 general: progress thread start
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\prod-ais.vpx
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-90 returned 00000000
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-1ce returned 00000000
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-1ce returned 00000000
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10040900 returned 00000000
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: FilterOutExistingFiles: 99 & 99 = 0
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: IsFullOkay: vps_32-178.vpx - not okay (doesn't exist)
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: SetDownloadBits: vps_32 setting 3 diffs to process
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: IsFullOkay: vps_win32-18d.vpx - not okay (doesn't exist)
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: SetDownloadBits: vps_win32 setting 3 diffs to process
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: IsFullOkay: jrog-8e.vpx - not okay (doesn't exist)
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: IsFullOkay: jrog-8e.vpx - not okay (doesn't exist)
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: SetFullAsMarked: Package jrog set to 1
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: ArePartsInstallable: 0
09.04.2010 05:41:34 package: Error processing packages. 0x20000011
I tried performing an update from the Uninstall control panel, and it failed… but when I tried it a 2nd time to copy the message, the update worked!
I definitely appears that the definitions files are missing from some of the mirrors. You might want to check if that’s actually the cause of the problem