Avast Free won't install

This morning when I awoke my puter from sleep mode my Avast Free wasn’t working. I’ve downloaded 4-5 installers and all it will do is show a black window with a blue line going left to right to left like it was installing but it never completes or shows any kind of status. I’ve tried to update both definitions and the program and all I get is RPC server not available or a window telling me to restart the program which it won’t do. I’m desperate to get this going again as all my passwords are unusable. As you can tell I’m not computer literate so I need as easy a solution as possible. Running Windows 7 Home Pro. Thanks

See if this helps.
[b]Repair & Clean Install of Avast → https://goo.gl/t7aJGq[/b]

Thank you so much for the help. The uninstaller worked great and solved the problem.

Your welcome. Thanks for the updated information.