Hello, and thanks in advance for your time. Im using Avast home, and this morning it cant or wont update. Error message is as follows:
“Other HTTP error (301) while trying”
Should I be concerned?
Any thoughts or feedback on this would be much appreciated
OOoops, forgot to mention…using XP PRO SP3
Same exact thing is happening to!! It just occurred when avast was trying to update the virus database, so I tried both the program update and the virus update manually. They both did the same thing? What goes on?! ???
I have the same issue, please fix. while trying to get file ‘vps-10082300-10082201.vpu’, error 0x20000006 has occured, try 2
23.08.2010 11:09:49 file: Server returned 404 on file vps-10082300-10082201.vpu
Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [Service Pack 3]
Hello Meatwadd, sorry to hear your having issues too, but I suppose it may not be such a bad thing that we’re not suffering isloated issues
I was checking mail in “Yahoo” when I got the error, and at the samy time yahoo logged me out saying I was logged in on a diffferent computer,
so naturally thought the two incedents were related, and wondered if I was being hacked, but a little relieved now, but still in the dark.
I’m looking around in the other forums and this seems to be happening to lots of people, in several countries. You’d think something this widespread would have had some kind of pre-event announcement, or a warning…or something!!
Yep, starting to think (and hope) this might be an issue with the update server, but would really like some clarity…anyone
And the same here,.I own more computers,using two providers,and they both give the same mistake while trying to update.
I will waite fot a little time,if the problem gets fixed,or change to AVG,the update problem hasnot occured there yet.
I have Avast 4.8 pro, same problem today updating. Here’s the error from the log (won’t post full log here as it includes license key)
23.08.2010 11:30:08 general: Err:Other HTTP error (301), while trying
Looks like some serious problems at update site. Will email support.
- Tim
Hello all, glad I started this thread, if nothing else it put my mind at rest.
Just tried to update again, and all is well now, updated without problems.
This is the first and only time I have had an issue with this software,
but glad its fixed…and hope all of you can update now too.
Best of luck, Readysteady
The same applies to me. At last everything is OK. Thank God for this forum
this issue has been fixed, Thanks!