Running version 2014.9.0.2013, actually it’s not running AGAIN.
This is fifth time in 2014 that Avast has stopped working. It started in January, nothing fixed until I ran the script to completely remove. I reinstalled, initially said wasn’t registered, finally fixed that. I don’t reboot that often (Win XP SP3) but it appears every time I do Avast goes back to “You are unprotected”. I have to run the uninstall script then reinstall. I just rebooted this morning and Avast is back in this state. I’m tired of booting into safe mode to run this, then reinstall only to have it go awry after next reboot. I’m not the only one having this problem, it’s all over Google. What is wrong with this version of Avast?
attach (not copy and paste) OTL diagnostic log
I didn’t see your reply until today, and the only reason I saw it is because I had to reboot XP Pro (SP3) again. As soon as I rebooted Avast said I was unprotected. Went through the safe mode uninstall, then reinstall. When I went to forum saw your reply. I downloaded and ran the OTL. The log is attached.
As it stands I can see no reason why Avast is doing this, I can see Norton on the system but it appears to be ghost rather than the antivirus. So there should be no affect
If you are game we could try a clean boot to see if there is a conflicting programme running
I’m game, what is a “clean boot”?
Run Msconfig
1.In the System Configuration Utility dialog box, click Selective Startup on the General tab.
2.Click to clear the Load Startup Items check box.
NoteThe Use Original Boot.ini check box is unavailable.
3.Click the Services tab.
4.Click to select the Hide All Microsoft Services check box.
5.Click Disable All, and then click OK.
6.When you are prompted, click Restart.
Now reboot several times to see if Avast stays on
I installed new video card, upon powering up Avast again said I was unprotected.
I did a clean boot, no services other than Microsoft’s, no start-up programs.
Manually started Avast, said unprotected. Clicked Start, 1 minute count down window popped up after 10 or so seconds asking if I wanted to perform that action, answered Y, nothing happened. Ran the OTL again, it’s attached.
Could you run a repair to see if that kick starts it ?
Ran repair, says repairing the product, launching etc. first time failed, said to reboot, I didn’t reboot, ran repair second time, says product was successfully updated but Avast on task bar still has red x. Clicked resolve all in Avast UI, that has hourglass for 30 to 60 seconds before Service Shutdown box with yes / no prompt, answer y and nothing happens.
All I can suggest at this stage is you use version 8 as for some reason v( does not like your system
V8 can be downloaded here
I suffered from the same problem. Here’s my OTL log.
As you may see, avast was the only application I’d installed on my XP besides security updates and device drivers. In fact, I ran the installer right after os was setup properly.
I’ve tried simliar thing on another computer, using a different copy of XP setup disc. It was not alright yet, there was no “unprotected” warning, but neither engine/vps nor the program could be updated, the progress bar would stick at the very begining. Only streamline update seemed working.
So I think the cause of this problem may not be something conflicting, but something missing or mismatching.
I now use version 8, but the update problem still exists. I wonder if I encounted a bug of the avast installer.
Download and run the update package from here then try the update again
I’ve had this happen to me occasionally… (still) using avast 8 on a Win7 system. More often than not, I can fix the problem by running
even if CHKDSK doesn’t find any issues. This may just be a “fluke” of my particular system. But I figure it shouldn’t hurt anything to try. If CHKDSK does find any disk issues, they should be repaired.
I tried, but VPS installer said I’m up to date, and manual updating through the UI kept sticking.
For avast 9, today I tried to run it on some other newly installed XP, and they all encountered update problem. I noticed that instup.exe process was launched, but seemed hung on. For the avast 8 I currently use, it is avast.setup. I’m thinking of reporting all these to the developers.
Are those files being blocked by your firewall ?
Windows firewall is disabled.
There’s some good news today, the trying of installing XP and avast 9 one after another succeeded. It is the last combination I made yesterday, I logged in and tried manual update, progress bar still stuck (for program update) or told me on running / up to date (for vps update), and two instup.exe could be seen running. Let it be for tens of minutes, popup balloon message said vps update completed. Check the update tab in UI, version info had been renewed. Clicking the update button then, no more sticking.
It seems that manual update is not recommended before avast accomplishing its self-update attempt. And as the XP above is installed with the same disc, the “unprotected” problem I’ve met may result in some system setting / customization issue (I really did some).