Something i was wondering in Avast the “Full Scan” Option has its own settings and i noticed it scans the Rootkits (Quick Scan) and Not the RootKits (Full Scan) Here’s a Pic to show you what I’m talking about and shouldn’t it be a Rootkits (Full Scan) Instead?
it is saying it does a quick root scan when you do a full scan
I’ve Never tried the full scan option i just make a custom scan I’m just wondering why it has a quick in a full
8 minutes after boot…avast does a full rootkit scan
if you do a full scan, it will also start with doing a quick rootkit scan…that is how understand whats written there…or :
kinda weird at 8 minutes after a boot but i didn’t know that so thanks for letting me know
here is some info…
OBS it is from the old avast 4.8
But normal non-expert users don’t know results of this scan. Cuz It’s not in scan logs… you must find it in App Data…
Most of us are only concerned if something is detected.
But normal non-expert users don't know results of this scan.i am guessing here....but by "this scan".... i think you mean the 8min after boot scan ?
and as Bob say, we are only conserned if something is detected…
and there will be a avast warning POP UP if anything is found