Bare bone information.
My updates don’t work, it just says the update was unsuccessful. Watching it try to update, it doesn’t seem to do anything, it just sits on “Initializing, please wait”.
I have tried uninstalling Avast but I get an error that says “There was an error removing avast, it may have already been uninstalled”. I am using the Windows 7 Uninstall (not the avast uninstaller, which I can’t seem to find on my system.
I have tried doing a fresh installation of avast (downloaded the latest version) to see if it gave me an option to uninstall my current version but I get another error with the installation that says "The installer cannot copy the installer binary to the avast! directory by calling “C:\Program Files\AVAST! Software\Avast\setup\instup.exe”
So I don’t know what to do now. I keep getting “Suspicious file detected” warnings on files that, when I look them up are basic Microsoft files.
My system info:
Windows 7 Enterprise
Avast version: 2014.9.0.2008
Thanks, that seemed to work.
I don’t like though, that Avast forces you to install Chrome. I even looked through the Advanced installation options to make sure there were no other programs installing with it and didn’t see anything. sigh (yes, I did uninstall Chrome as soon as I saw the installation finish)
I booted into safe mode to remove my previous Avast, then I rebooted into normal mode and ran the installer. I got no page giving me the option to not install Chrome. The only way I knew it was installed is I saw it say “Installing Chrome” about half way through the install.