Avast go in crash with "autorun.inf" on a removable device ....please help!

I have a pendrive usb where i have created a file “autorun.inf” because i wanted to show an icon and a name to make it more personal, but when I insert it in my computer where i have avast 6.0 free, my system freezes and i can move only the mouse arrow.
If I deactivated avast before insert the pen drive this doesn’t happen and i can continue to use te pc.
When I insert a CD that contains another file “autorun.inf” and I have avast actived this doesn’t happen.

I have another computer with avast 6.0 free and there the system doesn’t crash…so I tried to see the settings of avast on the second computer and I saw that are different from the one that crashes with the pen drive with the file autorun.inf.
The differences are in “File system protection” advanced settings.

The settings on first computer are: The settings on second computer are:
-scanning during opening/analize all files YES NO
-scanning during writing/analize all files YES NO
-archives of files/all the packers YES NO
-sensibility/heuristics sensibility/HIGH YES NO / NORMAL
-sensibility/sensibility/makes tests on entire files YES NO
-sensibility/sensibility/make scan for PUP YES NO

So,I decided to change the settings on the second PC to make it how the first.I tried to insert the pen drive with the autorun.inf and…also the second crashed.
I tried the same operation on my laptop (ASUS N61Jv with windows7 pro).Also the laptop go in crash.
I’m thinking that the problem can’t be of the USB hub becouse three hub corrupted in the same time is improbably.
Moreover the same problem occurs with SD card on laptop.

Well, What is the problem? What is the reason for this behavior?

Please, don’t double/triple… post about your issue. It won’t fix your issue any sooner. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=73507.0

Does this happen with ANY pen drive or just this one? Do not answer here but on the original thread; TIA.

I replied…sorry ::slight_smile: