Avast going nuts after today's update (solved)

I’m very careful online and I rarely get an alert from Avast. And I did a full scan a couple of days ago. But since the virus definitions updated this evening I’m getting constant alerts and I had to shut it off.

The first one was wmjoyfrc.dll. It moved it to the chest and then my Logitech wheel would no longer work. I restored it, but it still wouldn’t work. Had to download new drivers from Logitech to get it working and Avast reports those as well.

I ran the file through TotalVirus and there was nothing at all detected by any software other than Avast. I don’t like running with Avast shut off, but it’s going nuts. Something seems haywire in this update.

I did an exclusion for WmJoyFrc.dll but Avast still alerts on it. My Logitech wheel will not work anymore with Avast running but it works fine if I shut off Avast.

I just talked to someone else who uses Avast and they are getting many alerts since the update also.

im having the same problems with some .dll files for my games, ever since this evening

Avast started detecting the remote administration software i use (radmin) as malware after today’s vps update. i use it on hundreds of computers at many client sites. never had a problem with it in the past. i have used both avast and radmin together for years. :frowning:

This last update seems like a good candidate for a rollback. Many of us are having problems with our TightVNC services as well and I have even seen others reporting gaming devices being affected.

i sure hope they fix it by the morning. its 8:30 pm here and all hell could break loose in the morning if this isn’t fixed.

I’m glad i’m not the only one on this.
avast starting detecting many .dll files as Adware-gen. although i’m quite sure they aren’t, as they are some games, and programs i use. try roboform for example. both roboform.dll and trayicon.exe get flagged as Adware-gen.
we need some other update to counter this one !


Hello. I’ve just registered here to report the same problem.
I’m a home user of Avast but a really careful one. Really careful about my internet and files.

I was playing a game using my wheel tonight when the auto update happened.
A short time after that i’ve got the report that wmjoyfrc.dll, located at windows\system32 was infected by a worm:


Man… i uninstalled my wheel (that .dll is used by the wheel, it is a Logitech Force Feedback something heh…) at once and then went nuts on the next two hours scanning my system using possible means.

Turned out pristine clean every time…
And then even after i downloaded the wheel driver again from Logitech, Avast would come and tell me it was infected again heh…

So yeah, i’m pretty sure it’s not infected and that we need a fix for it, i"ll wait.
But in the mean time there’s anything that i can do to “ignore” that and at least make use of my wheel again? Tomorrow is a holiday and i would like to play my racing games hehe!

Thanks for your time!

And i’m sorry about my poor english, i’m from Brazil.


a temporary fix is to pause or stop the standard shield. it seems to re-enable disabled apps

In the avast Standard Shield click the Customize button > Advanced tab …

There is a box where clicking the “Add” button will allow you to add the path and filename of a file that you want to be excluded from avast scanning. You can add the filename that you believe to be a false positive so that you can continue normal operation until the avast team have a chance to take care of a false positive in an upcoming VPS update.

Thanks a lot for the prompt support :smiley:

Have encountered nothing but problems since update…ie-Logitech worm warnings. Made exception for Logitech folder, and above mentioned .dll file…all working again now. Please fix this…thanks.

Same here ???

My problem has been already fixed with new VPS 0645-1 :slight_smile:

the latest update, did not fix my problem.

I’m having problems too! I am careful on the internet and last night for the FIRST time with Avast, it turned up FOUR problems. One was related to Dell’s MyWay Search Assistant they install on new pcs, two were dll files associated with two ISP programs on my pc that have dial-up accelerator features, and one was buried somewhere in the system restore folder (which I couldn’t even find with windows explorer).

The newest update today 645-1 did NOT fix the problems. Avast is still indicating these same files as threats.

Avast, PLEASE check into this.

Could this be a genuine detection?

Castle Cops
Dell Fourums

Are a couple of links amongst many others.

To know if a file is a false positive, please submit it to JOTTI or VirusTotal and let us know the result. If it is indeed a false positive, send it in a password protected zip to virus@avast.com

Please, mention in the body of the message why you think it is a false positive and the password used. Thanks.


I don’t think these files are real threats at all. Two of them were dll files associated with my ISP dial-up accelerator folders. One was in Earthlink (which I use) and the other was in Netscape (which I don’t use but was on the pc from Dell). The third file was another dll that Avast found in MyWaySA. I understand this is some sort of search assistant put on the pc by Dell BUT Avast has never flagged this one before either. The fourth file was something I couldn’t make heads or tails out of…it was in the System Restore folder and I couldn’t even view it with Windows Explorer.

I tried to email the dll files to Avast but for some reason it keeps saying access denied. I don’t know what to do about this if I can’t cut and paste them into an email to Avast or some of the other recommended places. What should I do about that??

Again, I still think there is something strange with the recent Avast updates as I believe these files have always been on the pc and Avast has NEVER flagged them before even with the most rigorous, thorough scanning feature selected.