avast! GUI bug?

Hi All,

Sorry if this is a repost. I couldn’t find any info on this.

I am not able to see information or properties for a specific file within information window(EUI). When I click on file properties it takes me to task settings.


I haven’t noticed that but you are fully right :-\ Seems a bug that is still present at the 4.1.407 Beta version.

Hopefully someone from Alwil (Vlk or Igor) will see this and fix it before they release 407 build. 8)


Well, I will have to ask because I’m not sure if it’s a bug or feature.
It’s possible that the item Properties should actually show the properties of the corresponding Task (which is what it’s doing), not of the file.

Suggestion: change Properties to Task info 8)

Unfortunately that’s one of the problems with Win (just about any semi-recent version) – “Properties” is a be-all and do-all term that, more often than not, isn’t particularly context-sensitive.

Or, as in this case, there’s considerable confusion between Win and the user as to what the context really is, or is supposed to be.

btw this should be fixed in the latest release build (4.1.412). thanks to everyone involved. :wink: