nmb, did you already have the latest build of avast! (677) before you added the new language?
Hi igor,
Yes, I had.
Impossible me
I can be interested about animes but not about that
Through in maplestory Pirates are quite awesome
Ok. Got it… but, sorry, how to remove a language version if we don’t need it?
You can certainly do it the usual way - just like uninstalling any other module (Control Panel)
Or you can also use the “Install additional languages” button and uncheck the particular language.
This is quite a nice idea through
Thank you avast team
I’m a member of the Pirates but I would much rather be in the Caribbean right now as Canada is headed for Winter!
the founder of it all, congrats
;D ;D
I’ve got the surprise they were talking about. It’s a khm “portable” pirate dictionary ;D
Thanks avast! team
lol, I got it to work! ;D It scared me at first. :o Not really what I expected, but oh well!
You can certainly do it the usual way - just like uninstalling any other module (Control Panel)
Or you can also use the “Install additional languages” button and uncheck the particular language.
Thanks, got it.
Will talk like a pirate langauge always be there or are they going to remove it soon?
i hope they keep the talk like a pirate langauge
Avast! is now officially pirateware. ;D
But pirating free stuff isn’t in the code of ethnics for pirates.
Where can I get a pirated license for AIS?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Where can I get a pirated license for AIS?
You can receive a legit one. Ask
rdmaloyjr post:54:Where can I get a pirated license for AIS?
You can receive a legit one. Ask
Ask who? Where?
Ask who? Where?
Answered by IM
This is actually pretty cool ;D
I hope this language pack won’t be removed
rdmaloyjr post:56:Ask who? Where?
Answered by IM
Hay, can I have one too?
Will talk like a pirate langauge always be there or are they going to remove it soon?
i hope they keep the talk like a pirate langauge
Aye, me too. It’s funny