I am new here greetings.I am very satisfied with avast.It is the best antivirus software.I have 2 questions that are important for me.
1)avast! - help: faq offline is not complitely german.In the beginnig it is german but mostly it is in englisch.Can i have it somehow this file?
I have avast 4.6 Professional Edition.
2)I have not found task manager.Let me explain it.I would like to scan my computer lets say on frieday at 18:00 or on saturday at a special time?How can i do this?
Best regards
avast! is kindly translated by users… If some part of it is not yet translated it’s not finished. Can you give a hand?
Only in Professional version is possible. The Home version of avast doesn’t offer the schedule option. You need avast Professional for it.
In Home version there is a workaround with task schedule. Another user on this board has expalined how/what to do: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=3796
He has the pro version Tech.
I have avast 4.6 Professional Edition.
So, just go to Task folder, right click and choose Properties, than the Schedule options.
Or go to Shedule folder and add a new one…
It seems easy :-[
Thanks a lot for your help task manager was really easy i did not find it.So i will try to translate it to german.Maybe someone else can translate it italian or french or anyother languages.Then i think avast will be the best software.