avast home / allow programs


i’m using avast home and i’d like to know if there is a way to shut it down ( all functions ) or to " allow " one program’s activity ?

it’s because i’m playing online games and i’d like Avast not working during my games.

sorry for my poor english writing ::slight_smile: and thanks for your responses.

On Troubleshooting tab of settings you can disable the windows and messages.
To full disable avast, right click the ‘a’ blue icon and choose ‘Stop On-access protection’.
More than this is not for begginners… Are these options enough for what you need?

thx for response !

in fact, it would be better if i could allow only one program. Is that difficult ? do you have a link that explains the method ?

I can’t understand what do you mena by ‘allow only one program’…
You can ‘disable’ avast antivirus right clicking the ‘a’ blue icon and choosing ‘Stop On-access Protection’ option…

If he is talking about ignoring the games program and allow it to run without intervention by avast, like IgnoreProcess in avast4.ini, I’m not sure if this is possible for the standard shield or if web shield would be the scanning provider as it is an on-line game.

Even if it were possible to ignore the games program executable, the content to and from the on-line interface wouldn’t be included in that exception/ignoreprocess.

Standard Shield allows only file exclusions (http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=23152.msg191097#msg191097) not proccesses exclusions.

But it will if all the folder is added to the Exclusion Lists.

I’m aware that he can do that just that it leaves a rather large hole in his security.

It’s his choice… I won’t do it myself… but he is asking to do so… ::slight_smile: