avast! Home detecting newsgroup pix

Hello, what part of the On-Access Protection Control should I tweak to get rid of these annoying warnings. The pix don’t have viruses. Is there anything I can do?

Internet Mail / Heuristics / Whitespace sequence check…

Sorry, what can I do here? There’s a * at that line, no option to check it or not…

Is this okay? I went to Custom/Advanced but am not sure if the other settings are good:

I changed it to 10, so as not to completely get rid of this option. Good enough?

That is preferable to not doing the check at all.

Personally I have left mine at 5 the default, if you are getting lots of these you have to ask yourself why (is there a legitimate reason for large amounts of white space) and how is sending the emails (is it always from the same source).

The use of large amounts of white space (as opposed to no subject line at all) is usyally used to mask the real file type and trick you into opening attachments. Example “reallysafetextdocument.txt .exe”

Well, it’s NOT in Email. They are pictures/binaries in Usenet ie: newsgroups. The poster is a Mod of the group and uses white spaces for effect. No one else in the group has this problem with his pictures.

Only testing… if you need more to use Usenet, go ahead. Don’t worry, just an Heuristic check.
I can’t just imagine what effect could be the one you’re talking about ::slight_smile:

ohhh, it just looks nicer and stands out from the other posts. Really, it looks good. :slight_smile:

The email scanner (Internet Mail provider) also scans NNTP content, so perhaps you should say how his white space effect affects you ;D
Any other avast users who subsequently join the group would.

I haven’t used news groups for some time, certainly not since avast was able to monitor Usenet content, so I can’t say how avast looks at attachments. I can’t see why he would use white space in the attachment name or what effect it would give.
Any chance of a screen shot of the effect he is trying to achieve?

Sure! See how much cleaner it looks? It makes for reading the subject material much easier… :wink: The first picture is the white spaced one…

It certainly does look much cleaner.
Although I can’t count the white spaces there doesn’t seem to a large number of continuous white space, so it must be only just over 5 perhaps 6, so if they were no more than 4 The effect would look very similar.