Avast Home in linux.

I need a little help. :-
Who can give me a tutorial to install the Avast in Linux pliz. ???

PD: Sorry If this question was answered before.

it depends on the linux distro you use :wink:

you may need .rpm or .deb installer.

tell us more about your config. :slight_smile:

Opensuse new

rpm -qp rpm-package name

package name is name of downloaded package of avast!,

You can type it in the run command or konsole.

this will list the files in the rpm.

You do not need anti virus software on linux. However if your Suse box is on a network with windows computers, then this will prevent you passing on viruses to windows clients, but on linux a windows virus has no effect.

for ubunto just download .deb (debian) file and run it easy

I use PhpED extensively at work, where all of our PCs are windows based. However at home I have Ubuntu installed, but this weekend I need to do some work and get things cleaned up before Monday. Would I have to purchase a separate license to get a the linux copy of the software?

If you use avast at home on a single Ubuntu station , you have to download (.deb) and install AVAST LINUX HOME EDITION.

Before doing it , just ask for a free license key on avast website.

It is absolutely possible to use a commercial windows version at work and a free linux one at home.