I have had headaches from trying to nut out a problem. After installing Avast home edition free any exe files created with Installshield will not execute.
I ge5t absolutly nothing. Not even an error message. Only sign of me double clicking is a split second of a busy cursor and a quick scan of avast.
I did a system restore to prior the Avast and all works fine again. This is 100% avast doing it as I have spent 3 days now doing clean installs and installing stuff untill it broke. Avast was the problem.
Is this a settings issue or is it a bug in the software. I am running the latest version on Windows XP SP2 with all windows update files installed.
Since SP2 is not officially released it still may contain “bugs”. I’ve seen several issues still with sp2, this may be one. What happens if you use installshield and avast without sp2?
To answer the norton one. No. I didn’t have norton installed. As I have already said I have done “Clean” install.
Regarding Avast prior to SP2…yes. As a precuation I have tried Avast and SP1 and it still caused the issue.
The o0nly thing that has been different sinche the last time I ran Avast was that this is the first time I have used the latest version. previously I had the older version and it self updated itself. This time a redownloaded a new version and it is causing these dam headaches.
Did you use the default settings in resident sheild?
Try turning on the “show detailed info on performed action”
and see what avast is doing when you try to run installshield.
Perhaps you set it to block it.
I’d say it’s the 16-bit subsystem that’s broken. I’d just try removing avast entries from \windows\system32\congif.nt and the registry key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\VDD.
I got it working via setting a restore point. Installing Avast. Then returning to the restore point and reinstalling again. This time it is working 100% fine.
I would like someone to investigate this further please.
I just tried the same situation on a clena install then installing the latest build of SP2 2164
I had to do the same thing. I have to create a restore point install avast. return to install point then reinstall avast. It won’t even work with just uninstalling avast and reinstalling.
There is obviously a problem with avast and SP2 in one way or another.
IMHO I would say it is NOT a Avast problem since Avast is beautifully working without sp2. So the thing that changed is Windows (sp2), not Avast. So blame Microsoft and not a working product like Avast. Besides as MS stated “DO NOT RUN SP2 IN A OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT”
And as Vlk said: Avast is working fine with sp2, so it is more likely YOUR system that causes the problems.
I’m having the same problem. When I did a system scan it started identifying many safe exe files such as backed up installation files and the primary exe files for major programs were identified as viruses and were apparently quarantined or something. The files are still in the folders but my system will not execute them. I desperately need a fix for this and Avast is definately responsible for this problem.
Well I am running SP2RC2 with no problems whatsoever.
Avast build 4.1.418 VPS 0431-0
Which SP2 are you running? I am running v.2149 XP Pro
And I must tell you that XP was installed 1 time and has been running like a champ since! My wife’s is XP Pro SP! and no problems either.
I am using SP2 however I do not know how to find out which version. I understand this is a common problem and also that avast may have conflicted with norton, I have uninstalled avast and these files still will not run. Avast cleaner doesn’t fix the problem either.
Vlk said he knows where to look for a problem like this, I need to know.
I’ve tried fixes for externsions, that doesn’t seem to be the problem. I can run some exe files, especially ones that I’ve just downloaded, it seems to be the ones created with InstallShield. I’d say that it seems about 50% of the exe files on my computer are corrupted in some way.