avast Home/Vista x64 RC1: Where is the update?

I just installed Vista RC1(x64) today and installed avast home.
Everything fine, avast loads normal.
When clicking on “Launch Avast! Antivirus”, windows informs me there are “known problems with this version of windows” and that I can get an Update for my avast! Home.
Well, I just did not find it on the avast homepage.
Now, the question is if there are big compatibility problems or not.
Can someone say where I can get the “update”, if available?


I also have this problem ;D

You can’t use the actual avast version…
Only the beta 4.7.883 (installed just from the beggining) will work.
Other versions and updates won’t work on Vista RC1.
Download here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=23424.msg193970#msg193970