
Has anyone ran into this problem? I got the message that Avast for Home was about to expire, so I went in and did all the signing up again. It says that it’s good for 14 months. Well, a few days later I got the same message, so I did it again. Now this morning I got the same message, and it has only been a few days ago since I did it.
Can anyone out there help me out with this?
Thank you. :slight_smile:

Sally, did you use the trial period (of the Pro version) or you’ve just registered the home version since from the beginning?
Is your system date/time correct?

See the tutorial: http://www.avast.com/files/tutorials/insert_key.htm
Please take a look here: http://www.avast.com/eng/faq-invalid-license-number.html

Do you use copy & paste method?
Are you sure you do not include the ‘last blank space’ in the paragraph while copying & pasting?