Had a BSOD and went to a Microsoft forum. They took me through the steps of running Verifier to ID the crash cause and it came back as aswSP.sys avast! Self Protection. He advised me to remove Avast and just use defender, but I am really not wanting to do this, especially since I have paid for Avast. Is there any reason this could have happened?
What OS/SP ?
What exact version of avast ?
Any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
What was the exact error on the bsod ?
Windows 8.1
11.1.2245 - BUT - after the finding I checked the program and saw that the new version was available and updated it last night. Could this have fixed the problem?
I think Windows defender is running
It can have solved the problem.
Use the system for e.g. a week or so as you normally do and see if it happens again.
OK Will do. If it happens again do I just reply to this post?
Yes, and also post if it doesn’t happen again so we know the problem is solved.