Avast—you’ve insulated yourself from feedback and can only come here. I wanted to report, that despite putting Star Wars: The Old Republic online game exe. and launcher exe in the Virus chest exceptions, Avast IGNORES this and puts my game launcher in the virus chest EVERY time I launch and EVERY update since the beginning of Sept. Before Sept, this did not happen. Avast should at least recognize the listed exceptions and isn’t. Yes, I finally figured out my game was going into the virus chest and I restored it and it then apparently recognizes an exception if I do the restore action, but it doesn’t seem to recognized the exceptions on the exception list, since it’s put the launcher in the virus chest several times since I added them. Again, this has only been happening since the beginning of Sept. So, I’m asking you, AVAST, to look into what’s causing this issue and fix it. Other’s here are having the same thing happen to their online games. I’m not the only one.
I’d like not to have to go into my virus chest every game update to restore it please, if you could.
You can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php