Avast imprisoning VCRUNTIME DLLs?

:frowning: Why is avast overtaking files like

06/06/2019 12:40:30.405: [SEH-Except] Exception Code: e06d7363  - Flags: (Non-Continuable) -  Arg Count: 4   [ Calling Module:  C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\amd64_avast.vc140.crt_fcc99ee6193ebbca_14.0.27012.0_none_5ca6eb17137337f1\VCRUNTIME140.dll ]
06/06/2019 12:40:30.405: [SEH-Except]   >> Best-Guess For Source of Exception:  CxxThrowException

Which module do i need to disable for this to stop?

Now sure what “overtaking” means - but that file is part of Avast antivirus (it installed it there).

If it’s just part of avast’s installation, why would Games load C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\amd64_avast.vc140.crt_fcc99ee6193ebbca_14.0.27012.0_none_5ca6eb17137337f1\VCRUNTIME140.dll instead of C:\WINDOWS\system32\VCRUNTIME140.dll ???

Are you sure it’s “instead”?

I mean, as you can see, that file has avast in the path - it’s Avast’s copy of the redistributable DLL. To load it, you need to have a special manifest in your file - and that really wouldn’t be the case of 3rd party games.
If you’re saying you can see that DLL in other processes - I can imagine some Avast module getting injected into that process (as part of the behavior shield or something else) and that injected Avast module loading this Avast’s copy of vcruntime140.dll as a dependency. I guess we’d need to know more about the particular game and the problem in question.

The game is LEGO City Undercover (https://store.steampowered.com/app/578330/)

So i need to disable behavior shield to fix this?

I didn’t say that - that was just an example.
What exactly is the problem, how does it manifest? The game is crashing or…?

As you see the game tries to access functions in the DLL but because the DLL is a old version it doesn’t have these function and refuses to start

Why would your game access a dll in an Avast folder ???

Don’t ask me why, just tell me how i can disable this :slight_smile: Or i uninstall completely what you don’t want

I personally don’t care what you do. It’s your computer. I use the product same as you so I have no stake in what you do either way.
It is still strange that any program would access a dll file in another programs folder.
That dll file should either be contained in it’s own folder or, in a common Windows folder.

We tried to reproduce the issue, but so far were unable to. I mean, we got the game to crash, but it seems to be crashing without any link to Avast - the DLL in question is not loaded in the process at the moment (and neither before).
Where do those lines in the initial post come from, is it some log of the game itself?

Would you be able to create a Process Monitor log showing the moment the problem is happening and upload it somewhere so that we can check if we see anything there?

From what i’ve read WinSxS is exactly for that; overriding system DLLs with custom ones.

Anyway thanks for the time and as you could not provide a shield that i need to turn off i’m going to uninstall this now and either search some other AV or depend on windows defender

That is an Avast file not something your game should be using. If it does, there’s a problem with the game, not Avast.
It’s your computer, you do what you think is best for you. Certainly not something I would do.