avast INI and mcshield.exe

Just updated to 4.8, now I get a pop up a box warning me that mcshield.exe is trying to modify an avast! .INI file and (in essence) that modification of this file may result in avast! not working properly.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Do you know what application is mcshield.exe associated with?

Yes it is a virusscan enterprise program by McAfee (Network Associates Tehnologies)

Are you using McAfee and avast at the same time in the same computer?

Yes - this has not been a problem until now and the latest update to Avast.

So, here we are… disable is not enough and you have two antivirus in conflict.
Before things get worse… choose one of them. If it is avast, uninstall McAfee:
This article provides the steps to remove SecurityCenter from your computer.

Sometimes, McAfee won’t be completely removed if, before, you do not uninstall Avast, including the use of its “Uninstall Application” if necessary (www.avast.com/eng/faq-install-uninstall-avast.html).