Hi Avast users. I’ve been using Avast for a long time and like it a lot. When I tried to update it, an error popped up. So i ended up uninstalling it. When i tried to install it again, i keep getting the same error (please see screen shot). Any help on this will be great as i really like Avast and hate to switch to another antivirus.
Try uninstalling your previous Avast first using the Avast uninstall tool. Be sure to select the correct version from the drop down menu and select where Avast is currently installed. Reboot and install the latest Avast.
Download Avast Uninstaller and Avast cleanup tool.
Boot up in Safe Mode and run the Avast Uninstaller.
When running the Avast uninstaller be sure to select the proper version your uninstalling and click on the box to point the uninstaller to the proper directory where Avast is installed on your pc. Reboot.
Boot up in Safe Mode again and run the Avast cleanup tool. Reboot into normal mode
Install Avast
Are those the steps you took? Are you using any other security? Did you full remove your previous antivirus?