I have a strange problem with the avast installation. After i reformatted my HDD and installed avast free edition the computer completly froze. I couldn’t do anything with it. I uninstalled it in safemode and everything worked fine again. I did not have any other antivirus software installed during this.
This is a support forum for avast users and one that has already help you, so to Jump into someone else’s Topic when they are asking for help and Spam the topic isn’t appreciated.
I suggest you read the forums Policy which explicitly forbids this.
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Did you have another AV installed in this system, if so what and how did you get rid of it ?
What other security based software do you have that might have an effect e.g. SpySweeper, Spyware Doctor (StartUpGuard), PrevX, WinPatrol, ProcessGuard, etc. ?
that is what is strange about this issue, i didn’t have any Av software installed before. I did a clean reinstall of windows, that is i completly reformatted the harddrive
That is weird and the only thing I can assume is that the install was somehow corrupted/failed. I suggest you download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD so you can find it later.
Have you tried reinstalling it again ?
If you haven’t reinstalled avast you can run the avast uninstall utility and do a thorough clean-up just in case, reboot and try an install again.