avast! Internet Security 6 - Licensing + Software Updates

Hi All,

After years of using AVG I got tired of the bloat that was being added with every new release and finally got round to removing it.
Not only did using avast increase the speed of my PC again, but I was finally able to use MalwareByte’s resident shield too!

So far I have been very impressed, and I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to this:

I am thinking of purchasing a 2 year avast! Internet Security 6 license - if a new version of avast is released e.g. 6.1 or 7.0, will the update to that be free?
Or will I have to purchase a new license to upgrade? (in which case, I am guessing a 1 year license would be my best bet).

Many Thanks,

Yes, any upgrade is free as long as your license is valid. Today you can upgrade from v4.8 to v6 without any problems.

Fantastic, good software with a sane licensing model :slight_smile:
Thanks for the answer doktornotor!

You are welcome, and enjoy Avast. :wink: