Avast Is Blocking My Access to Internet

After a lot of troubleshooting, I finally realized why none of my websites would load across different browsers, despite my PC saying I was connected to the internet and my wifi working on other devices. It’s Avast. I’ve used it for over 10 years without any major issues, but now, suddenly, I can’t access anything unless I disable it.

How can I fix this? I tried resetting all of my settings. I tried “repairing” it. Nothing works. Randomly I’ll be able to load websites for some time, but then it starts to give errors and not load again.

Should I stop using Avast altogether?

Does it work if you turn off avast firewall?

Is firewall set to private/trusted network?

You don’t have much to work with here.

Is Avast Blocking/Alerting on the sites ?
If so attach a screenshot of the alert with the details option selected.
Or do they simply not open/work ?

What is your Operating System, what Avast program and version number are you using, what browser are you using (and have you tried a different browser) ?
Are you using any other security based programs (antivirus/malware or VPN) ?

Have you tried any changes in the Avast program components/settings ?

I’m not using the Firewall.

No, nothing pops up. They just don’t open. Sometimes its DNS_PROBE_ERROR. Other times I forget the reason, but the pages just don’t load.

Windows 10, Avast Free Antivirus 24.3.6108, no other active antivirus programs, no VPN, I noticed this after updating a few days ago, but I reset the settings to default to be sure I didn’t change something. No Firewall enabled.

You mentioned WiFi working on other devices (what are they and are they using Avast for that device) ?

Also as in the Avast UI > Menu > Settings > Protection > Network Inspector - are the List of Monitored Networks set to Public or Private ?

Why did you elect not to use the Firewall ?
The reason I ask is there is some interaction between that and the Network Shield - so I don’t know how that would play out with the firewall disabled.
As Pondus mentioned “Is firewall set to private/trusted network?”

Have you always had the firewall disabled and when did this problem start ?
What are you using to be able to access the forums ?

Follow up - I’m not sure if by using the Reset to Default settings, if this would enable the Firewall again.

Don’t use Avast on other devices. Phone works fine.
Monitored networks are public
Firewall is off by default, so I guess I’ve always just had it off
I turned off Avast to access the forum

That really is weird (especially to access the forums) and something I haven’t come across.

So I’m really at a loss as to what else to suggest. When did this problem start after you installed Avast or after an Avast program update ?

I did a search on the error you mentioned DNS probe error - https://www.google.com/search?q=DNS_PROBE_ERROR this returns many hits and this one https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/dns_probe_started/

Have you changed your default DNS settings ?
Sometimes you can find changes cause issues and one I’m thinking of may cause an issue with the Web Shield. So rather than disable Avast to connect to the forums, try disabling the Web Shield and see if that works.

It was after I updated. But it’s intermittent, so right now everything is working fine. But randomly websites will stop loading again.
I tried changing the default DNS settings when the problem started, not realizing Avast was the issue.

Have you tried it with just the Web Shield disabled and Not Avast ?

Have you checked out any of the links I posted (in the text you quoted) ?

I didn’t try with just web shield disabled. I followed similar protocols to the links you sent when originally trying to find the problem

The reason for suggesting disabling the Web Shield only, it trying to pin down a single shield that may be causing a conflict. As disabling Avast completely doesn’t do that, so trying individual shields might pin it down.