I have just baught AVAST for 1 year but after installation It has blocked my messenger and it is not allowing me to run any setups of any application i want to install kindly help me out to fix this problem…also when it is blocking my programmes it is suppose inform me is’t it?? or it goes on doing whatever it feels like…now i feel i shouldn’t have baught AVAST…
Hello and welcome to the Forum!
- Which OS? (32/64 Bit - which SP)
- Which avast-version? (Free, Pro, Internet Security, Premier)
- Which program version (8.0.1489 is the latest)?
- Other security related software installed?
- Which AV-Program was installed before?
Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit, AVAST INTERNET SECURITY 8 0 1489, no other security, had macfee before this…its not only blockin the messenger but also website of messenger…is it related?..
Please download and run the McAfee Removal Tool from here: http://mcafee-removal-tool.com/
Don’t forget to restart your PC after that.
i have removed macafee b4 installing AVAST…and it is not opening the http://mcafee-removal-tool.com/ website… okey now i am worried…
managed to download Mcafee removal software fromother site but i m worried …why is it blocking website…
okey I have downloaded mcafee removal software ran it then restarted ma pc and now i m here…pls tell me wht to do next bcoz…problem still persist…
Which Messenger do you use? Are there blocked any other websites, e.g. google.com?