Avast IS Can't delete EIRC-Test


i test download SSL url, but avast can’t delete it and popup show anytime :cry:


have you tried a computer reboot?

EIRC-test need reboot pc only?, why ?

avast bug ?

or computer bug…

did it work?
dos it happen evrytime you test with EICAR?

The movie you posted clearly shows that there is no problem at all. What you are trying to remove is NOT the eicar test file, but temporary files (most likely) created by your browser. Since they are temporary they may already have been deleted in which case it is only logical that avast can’t find them. Simply because they are not there anymore. You can’t delete a file that doesn’t excist :slight_smile: So, don’t worry. everything is working like it should.

no, look at new i test with notepad it’s same problem

As I said before, THERE IS NO PROBLEM. The files are already removed and avasts log file is telling you that.