Avast is completely disabled! I can't open Avast and scan my data in Safemode!

Please help!

I cant open Avast for scan and any program also. I found that name of the virus is:

WIN32:Comame-B (TRJ) Its high level dangerous !

I cant do anything for two days now to delete it.

Anyone can help me?


Have you tried Malwarebytes ?

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.46 http://filehippo.com/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/
always update before you scan so you have the latest database
click the remove selected button to quarantine anything found
you may post the scan log here

i think it’s backdoor,if malware can’t detect try kaspersky

also check this out http://comprolive.com/remove/trojan/win32-comame/configuration-exe

I already tried with Anti-Malware, I cant access to any of anti-virus programs…

When I download any antivirus program, and tipe run I can’t install it at all.

Im completely blocked.

rename mbam.exe in there to iexplore.exe and try to run mbam again

if you can open mbam first update and then scan!

Nothing :frowning:

can you run windows in safe mode and rename it to iexplore.exe?try it

Ok, Ill try that now :slight_smile:

Try this

Hitman Pro 3 - Second Opinion Malware Scanner ( 30 day free removal )

How to start Hitman Pro in Force Breach Mode

i gotta go,if it wont work try this , http://comprolive.com/remove/trojan/win32-comame/configuration-exe

Hi people.

I tried everything, but still nothing :frowning:

I succeeded to open Hitman with left CTRL, but virus did’nt let me to connect the server.

did you try kaspersky?