I make about $2 a month from this website because Adsense wouldn’t accept my kind of content. Why is everyone pushing this website? Is it impossible to do on my own?
i let Norman lab check that code … and this is what they say
I deobfuscated the script and analysed,but nothing found malicious,no driveby attacks,no redirection,no downloaders found and this code is used in google blogger(blogspot) to make the comments section looks prettier,looks like dropdown comments,so ignoring this file,Please revert back if you have any information
Thanks! I didn’t think there was malware, but this is still a problem because users who have avast! are still too scared to visit my site. Is there any way to appeal avast! for my site? Thanks.
You can report it here. http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php (select subject according to Your case)
you may add a link to this topic in case they reply here.