Avast Keeps putting TransMagic license file in the virus Chest

Avast keeps finding a False Positive for the license file manager in TransMagic. The file name is tmlicenselauncher.exe.

I entered an Exclusion in the Expert Settings for the ‘File Shield’ but Avast keeps picking up the file as a false positive and it puts it in the Virus Chest.

Where else do I need to enter an Exclusion for so Avast doesn’t move the file to the Virus Chest?


You can report a possible FP here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles

I’ve already reported the False Positive and Avast Support agreed that yes it is a false positive.

Now I just need to get Avast to stop stripping the file out of the /program files/TransMagic directory so the application keeps working.

  1. Good. Wait for the next VPS update then.
  2. No need to exclude anything, just be patient. :wink:

I submitted the False Positve on the 12th of March and it’s still not fixed yet.

The license file is still being moved to the virus chest, even today.

It’s hard to be patient when end users are complaining that the application they use to do their job isn’t working.

When is the detection made as I suspect from what you said “I entered an Exclusion in the Expert Settings for the ‘File Shield’ but Avast keeps picking up the file as a false positive and it puts it in the Virus Chest.” I suspect that it may being picked up on an on-demand scan as presumably this file only needs to have been launched once (not every time) ?

If that is the case then you need to enter the full path c:\program files\TransMagic\tmlicenselauncher.exe into the avastUI, Settings, Exclusions.

Have you submitted the file as an FP from the avast chest (if not I would try that, or send it again) ?