While I was surfing the net, I found this topic, its author claims that he developed a code that it can be integrated with any virus or Trojan to stop avast! processes and attacks the system.
I tried to attach with this topic two versions of that code, the first is written for avast!. The second is written for Kaspersky. Unfortunately, the forum doesn’t accept exe files.
Code that can stop avast! ? Wow he must be a real genious : If people can kill Norton, then i really don’t see why they couldn’t avast!
I have researched this part long time ago. Actually when i started with AEC project.
Technically you can cripple any antivirus very easily, so crippling avast! is nothing special imo.
Hey guys. I’m not sure what the policy of the Avast! forum is concerning this kind of issues, but I for myself am not really fond of posting active links to malware here.
If you feel you must post issues like this, why not cripple the link so no accidental clicks are possible ?
If he made a code that can stop avast! why did he brag about it to the public? ::)
Because there was a challenge between him and another member in that forum.
Later, he announced another developed code that can stop avast!, I uploaded the files on my web space so you can check it on your systems, it doesn’t do any thing to your machine except shutting down avast!.
I second Fasts opinion, no linking, not even deep linking to malware sites. We must protect our fellow posters, curiosity killed the cat says a good English saying. I think it is a brag really, a few alterations to a hosts file and I have killed whatever security program that links to me. Small hype. More interesting for us "What are the backgrounds, what’s the way of infection, a way to understand what happens, and most of all how to protect ourselves and others. The contents and mechanism of the vulnerability is interesting, not the working of it. Not the OMGF’s (Oh My Grandfather’s) but the OINFUW (Oh I Now Fully Understand Why).
I am glad to announce that avast! released a cure for that code. In spite it doesn’t do any thing harmful for your machine (except it shuts down avast!), avast! alerts you about it.
This is now the advantage of ZA6 when I tried to run this (system restored, all spyware tools at the ready, yesterdays backup to hand) I got a pop up (dangerous actions) informing me that avastkiller was trying to shutdown ashserve. So I said no way Jose (I think thats how you spell it). ZA6 is now looking much better than I originally thought. Live dangerously - I reformat every 6 months anyhow - ;D ;D