I have Windows 7, Google Chrome, Yahoo email. At times I can’t open my inbox. When I disable protection from the Avast icon for any amount of time, usually 10 minutes, my mail works. I have had Avast for about 10 years or more now. So is this something new now. I have several computers and it happens on all of them. Should I kill the Mail shield protection from my Avast.
I figured this is Avast that is doing this by accident. I thought it was Chrome, I thought it was Yahoo, I thought it was Windows 10 but it happens with Windows 7, I thought it was my computer or Microsoft but no it was Avast. Just recently Avast is giving me a message in my emails. Here is one of them: “This email has been sent from a virus-free computer protected by Avast. www.avast.com” with an Avast be Free logo.
Just recently Avast is giving me a message in my emails. Here is one of them: "This email has been sent from a virus-free computer protected by Avast. www.avast.com" with an Avast be Free logo.
How to disable Avast Email signature >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=180216.0
Should I kill the Mail shield protection from my Avast.
Mailshield only work if you use a mailclient and not with webmail
At times I can't open my inbox. When I disable protection from the Avast icon for any amount of time, usually 10 minutes, my mail works.
Does it work if you turn off https scan? >> https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB189#artTitle
Today everything is opening up. All my inbox mail is working. Yesterday I was getting the message that my emails could not be read at this time. Let’s see what happens. Why would I want to shut down scanning Https by the way? Don’t I need that?
Well I haven’t turned it off yet because everything is working this morning. I can try it at a later time if the problem persists. But don’t I need this to be turned on just so the program will work on a HTTPS site? Or is it irreverent that it is on or off?
Hi forjonny, we are aware of the problem with Yahoo and have already disabled all yahoo mail processing for this moment (already few weeks ago) – including the insertion of the clean mail signatures. At this moment you shouldn’t be seeing any problems with Yahoo mails. If this is not the case, please let me know.
We are working on a fix - most probably related to our HTTP/2 parser - and we’ll let you know when we are about to re-enable this. Most probably it will be firstly available in one of our betas.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Of course it wasn’t broke a few months ago but somewhere along the way someone decided to fix something that wasn’t broken. Do you know how long it took me to figure out it was Avast? Not Chrome? How many times I tried to fix Chrome because I thought it was their issue. Let me scream now. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!