Avast Launch on Mac El Capitan : unsinstalled Kasperky detection notification

I properly uninstalled Kasperky before launching Avast on Mac (El Capitan).
But at launch, I receive a notification abount Kaspersky antivirus.
I find nothing about Kaspersky on my system …

Have you a solution to avoid this message ? Thanks in advance.

Did you use the Kaspersky uninstall tool ?

There is still a Kaspersky kernel extension loaded, that we detect. The solution is to properly remove
Kaspersky and then install Avast.

Hi !

I had previouly uninstaller Kaspersky, so could’not use his uninstaller any more. I tried MacClean without seing any more Kasperky’s files, and vith terminal commands too.

But with the program indicated : it works ! Thanks a lot ! :slight_smile:

Best greetings,

You’re welcome